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2024-12-13 19:41:07

Today's A-shares have dropped from 3442 points, which makes people stunned. There are two important signals on the disk. Let's not talk nonsense and get to the point directly:In front of 2700 points, Soho rushed to 3674 points to emphasize the top of wave A, and 3200 emphasized the rising point of the second wave, all of which were right. Many people say that I am very good at stock trading because I am too keen. This Tuesday, it opened higher to 3494 points and did subtraction. According to 15 years of full-time experience, 3330 ~ 3380 can be seen completely, so wait patiently for a new starting point. If the bottom stabilizes again, Seventh Uncle will blow the horn again in advance.

Large consumption and semiconductor software will have a chance to step back and forth. If it goes up too much, it will fall, and if it falls too much, it will rise. The peak is accompanied by the trough, and there is a peak after the trough. Now it is patience and vision that can compete with the main force. Only patience can be ingenious!Second, two days ago, I emphasized that 3,494 points is the high point of this week's short-term and don't chase after it. Today, it broke 3,400 points again. After the market surged yesterday, the market was in doubt. Uncle Qi was under all the pressure. Last night, he clearly emphasized that my point of view remained unchanged and there would be a callback in the short-term. Right and wrong? Today is clear at a glance.Finally, after reading praise, it is a virtue, giving people roses and lingering fragrance in their hands. I wish all people a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Dragon.

3. How to interpret the market next?Second, two days ago, I emphasized that 3,494 points is the high point of this week's short-term and don't chase after it. Today, it broke 3,400 points again. After the market surged yesterday, the market was in doubt. Uncle Qi was under all the pressure. Last night, he clearly emphasized that my point of view remained unchanged and there would be a callback in the short-term. Right and wrong? Today is clear at a glance.Large consumption and semiconductor software will have a chance to step back and forth. If it goes up too much, it will fall, and if it falls too much, it will rise. The peak is accompanied by the trough, and there is a peak after the trough. Now it is patience and vision that can compete with the main force. Only patience can be ingenious!

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